Calories in watermelon
Calories in watermelon

calories in watermelon

Or, you may eat two meals a day and snack on watermelon in between. After that, you resume your normal diet or gradually add back other foods to your diet. Here, in the first stage you only eat watermelon for three days. The diet has a few versions with specifics varying.

calories in watermelon

It's not like being forced to munch on watermelon is a tough sell! And people are willing to try a diet eating something they love all day. People like that format because it's structured without requiring a lengthy time commitment. You follow the diet all day for five days to a week. Still, the diet claims it can boost weight loss and help get rid of your body's excess water, toxins, salts and other impurities. It's not an official diet, rather almost like a cleanse, since watermelon has such a high water content. Thanks to all of watermelon's health benefits, the watermelon diet is the latest wellness trend. That's great news if you're working out hard.

calories in watermelon

Even better, a study among athletes by the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena in Spain found that watermelon juice helped reduce muscle soreness. Research conducted at the University of Kentucky showed that eating watermelon may improve lipid profiles and lower fat accumulation. This fruit that's a carb has 1.1 grams of fiber, which will help you feel fuller longer. Plus, this low-calorie fruit contains a natural sugar that helps curb a sweet tooth. Also, when you're hydrated, you won't mistake thirst for hunger and overeat unhealthy fare. And when you're getting plenty of water, your body can work optimally. Read about the best fruits for weight loss.Ĭonsuming watermelon will ensure you're hydrated. Water promotes weight loss by flushing out toxins and curbing your appetite because chewing and swallowing it helps you feel like you're eating more calories than you are. The invigorating summer fruit is high in water-about 92 percent-making it a good option for people looking to lose weight. Watermelon-a tasty, refreshing, healthy and inexpensive fruit-falls into that category, too. But apples aren't the only fruit that holds this coveted distinction. You know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Calories in watermelon